Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Is it right to shave every day to make the beard the less thin?

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Is it right to shave every day to make the beard the less thin?


Jakarta, There are men who like to lengthen the beard and there is also a need to shave every day because it feels uncomfortable. Many believe that shaving a beard every day can make it even thinner. Is that true? Unfortunately, shaving a beard every day will not affect its thickness. According to the New York Times, Wednesday (03/08/2011), the myth of shaving and hair development has been around since at least 50 years. yesterday. Starting since th. 1920s, some studies have shown that shaving does not affect the development of hair. The report of this study has had much success in getting rid of this misconception about shaving. Actually, shaving has no effect on hair thickness when shave just cut hair on skin surface. Shaving does not interfere with hair follicles, the pituitary gland that controls hair growth. Hair development is controlled by hair follicles. Because there is under the skin, hair follicles are not affected when shaving. Likewise, hair follicles are influenced by genetics and hormones, which ensure the color, structure and roughness of the hair. So why does the beard feel not thin after shaving? Normal hair shaft will also taper at the tip. When you shave, you cut the pointed end of the hair, until the newly grown hair will also feel less thin because it has been cut straight and will not taper at the end. Because the new beard grows so short, the growing hair will feel stiff from the general, which can make it look less thin and look rougher when touched by hand. Beyond that, the different arguments that make some people who believe in this myth is the first time to shave. Generally people start the first time shaving when adolescence or pre-adolescent age, when the beard hair is still not thick compared to adult men. The time after a man regularly enough hair will also enter the adult phase, to look as if shaving has caused the beard to grow less thin and rough. But actually, however, the shave only lasts to coincide with the time the body begins to produce normal adult hair. (mer / ir)

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Really Shave Every Day Make the Beard Thicker? Jakarta, There are men who like to lengthen the beard and some have to shave every day because it feels uncomfortable. Many believe that shaving a beard every day can make it thicker. Unfortunately, shaving a beard every day will not affect its thickness. According to the New York Times on Wednesday (08/03/2011), the myths about shaving and hair growth have been around for at least 50 years. Since the 1920s, several studies have proven that shaving does not affect hair growth. Reports of this study have been successful in eliminating this misconception about shaving. In fact, shaving does not affect the hair thickness because at the time of shaving just cut hair on the surface of the skin. Shaving does not interfere with hair follicles, glands under the skin that control hair growth. Hair growth is controlled by hair follicles. Because it lies beneath the skin, hair follicles are not affected at the time of shaving. Conversely, hair follicles are influenced by genetics and hormones, which determine the color, texture and roughness of hair. Then why the beard feels thick after shaving? The normal hair shaft will taper at the tip. When you shave, you cut off the pointed tip of the hair, so that the newly grown hair after shaving will feel thicker because it is cut straight and no longer tapered at the tip.Because the new beard grows so short, the growing hair will also feel stiff from usually, that can make it appear thicker and look more rough to the touch of the hand. In addition, another reason that makes many people believe this myth is when I first shave. Most people start shaving first in adolescence or pre-teen years, when hair is still thinner than adult men.Beberapa time after a regular hair enough men will enter the adult phase, so it looks as if shaving has caused the beard grow thicker and But in reality, however, the shave only happens to coincide with the body's mass begins to produce normal adult hair. (mer / ir)

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Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Shhh! Diese Lho Secret Grandma Rohaya bleiben Fit, obwohl es 71 Jahre gewesen ist

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Shhh! Diese Lho Secret Grandma Rohaya bleiben Fit, obwohl es 71 Jahre gewesen ist


Jakarta, Selamet und Großmutter Rohaya, ein phänomenales Paar, das aufgrund des Altersunterschieds zwischen denen, die weit tarpaut haben, nicht zögern, Zuneigung in der Öffentlichkeit zu zeigen. In Jakarta angekommen, um der Einladung in der Show "Black White" zu entsprechen, sieht die 71-jährige Großmutter Rohaya gesund und fit aus. Es ist nicht einfach, in dem Alter, das nicht mehr jung ist, immer fit zu sein. Um die Gesundheit und Fitness des Körpers zu erhalten, behauptete Selamet, seine Frau immer zum fleißigen Sport einzuladen. Krankengymnastik, sagte Selamet, der seine Frau Rohaya immer umarmte, als er am Mittwoch (12/7/2017) im Gebäude Transmedia, South Jakarta, gefunden wurde. : Geht nach Jakarta, ABG Selamet-Rohaya Steal Aufmerksamkeit bei BandaraSelamet erzählt, dass er jeden Morgen Rohaya für etwa acht Minuten zum Turnen einlädt. Nicht nur das, andere Sportarten, die sie tun, ist der Morgenspaziergang oder joggen um den Kampung.Pasang bekannte Eifersucht ist immer Keromantisannya. Laut Rohaya Eifersucht ist Selamet ein Zeichen der Zuneigung für sie. Zum Beispiel ließ Selamet Rohayas Großmutter niemals allein. Passen Sie auf, sich nicht zu baden, waschen Sie sich, seien Sie nicht allein, sagte Oma Rohaya Selamet imitieren.Selamet hat auch zugegeben, dass die Gesundheit seiner Frau auch eine seiner Verantwortungen ist, besonders um später auf ihre Kinder aufpassen zu können. Selamet nimmt nur seine Frau Sport, nicht wahr? Lesen Sie auch: Said Physician Soul Problem ABG Nikahi Oma 71 Jahre (wdw / up)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Video Pemeruk Ngamuk sul marciapiede, Saluti in mezzo all'azione di bullismo


Video Pemeruk Ngamuk sul marciapiede, Saluti in mezzo all'azione di bullismo


Jakarta, la salute non riguarda solo il corpo, ma anche la mente. Un certo numero di eventi nel fine settimana ha mostrato l'importanza della salute intatta. Sabato (07/15/2017), i social media sono stati lanciati dai video di azione della Coalition Pedestrian. L'azione si è tinta di forti proteste da parte di alcuni inquinanti che si ritiene siano i tassisti delle motociclette. In relazione ai risultati di uno studio che ha indotto gli indonesiani a camminare di meno, il presidente della Coalizione Pedonale Alfred Sitorus ha descritto l'incidente come una vera immagine. Mancanza di interesse a piedi, in parte perché deve affannarsi con i motociclisti impoveriti. Leggi anche: Estenuante Angry Dirty Video sul marciapiede, It's The Walking Coalition





Mentre domenica (16/7/2017), trasforma l'azione di bullismo che è diventata la conversazione degli utenti dei social media. Un video virale con uno studente con bisogni speciali, che si dice che sia autistico, viene preso di mira per il bullismo. L'azione di bullismo si svolge di fronte a un numero di persone. Nessuno sembrava aiutare la vittima, nemmeno gli applausi alle spalle. Fino a un certo punto, la vittima ha risposto all'azione di bullismo gettando la spazzatura che è diventata il titolo del video, "Throw Tong Trash Maut". Baca anche: Applausi quando gli studenti hanno bisogno di speciali In-bully




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